Bwindi Impenetrable Forest National Park is a prime Uganda gorilla trekkinng destination, Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is located in the southwestern  parts Uganda, with thick vegetation cover like its name suggests “impenetrable”. Every day when tourists go out for the famous gorilla trekking safari tour adventure with Nungi safaris Uganda, the ranger guides at Bwindi impenetrable national park have to cut vegetation for tourists  to access the way to where gorillas nested the previous night. It is the true African jungle with droplets of the sun coming through the think forest cover giving you a feeling of being in paradise with zero pollution from several emissions common to our daily environment. The Bwindi Impenetrable Forest national park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1994 because of its rich diversity in hosting different flora and fauna and being home to half of the worlds remaining mountain gorillas in the whole world and that’s the reason why gorilla trekking in Uganda limited to only 8people for every gorlla family trekked in a day. The Bwindi impenetrable forest national park covers an area of 321 km2 all of which is forested with some areas being covered by bamboo and shrubs. The forest lies on steep slippery valleys with ridges and hilltops of the Virunga mountains bordering Rwanda and Democratic republic of congo

The weather in Bwindi is chilly because of the immerse canopy, you are advised to carry some warm clothing for evenings and long sleeved shirts/trousers for trekking the forest when you come for our 12 days uganda wildlife safari tour  &  gorilla tracking safari tour for the ultimate experience to anyone who chooses to trek the mountain gorillas in Uganda or search for birds, butterflies or shrubs, you need to be in good physical condition to go up and down the terrain. It lies at an altitude between 1160m-2607m above sea level.


Bwindi Impenetrable forest national park  is divided into different trail heads where gorilla trekking safari tours happens when on a Uganda safaris. The gorillas habituated for tourism are in families based at different trailheads. When you choose to visit Bwindi impenetrable national park for the Uganda gorilla trekking safari tour, be sure to know which trailhead you are allocated before you book your hotel in Bwindi impenetrable national park. After knowing your allocated trailhead then you can book the hotel in that location near to your gorilla family. Currently 20 gorilla families are habituated for tourism. The trail heads include; Buhoma, Ruhija, Rushaga, and  Nkuringo; so don’t worry about missing out when you are in Uganda for a Uganda wildlife safari tour because Bwindi impenetrable national park is alsways ready to all of you for the Uganda gorilla trekking safari tour



Different Mammals /Animals in the Bwindi impenetrable forest national park

Bwindi impenetrable forest national parks is home to about 120 mammals’ species that are rarely seen as they hide in the thickets of the dense forest. These include the large mammals and the very small mammals. The animals of the Bwindi impenetrable forest national park include; Elephants, duikers, buffaloes, golden cats, bush pigs, giant forest hogs, black-fronted Duiker, yellow-backed duiker, clawless otter, side-striped jackal, civet, numerous bats and rodents which can all be see on your 12 days uganda wildlife safari tour  &  gorilla tracking safari tour

Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is home to 11 primate species which are; black-and-white colobus monkeys, L’Hoest’s monkeys, De Brazza monkeys, Red-tailed Monkey, Blue Monkey, Potto, Demidoff’sGalago, Spectacled  Galago, Baboons, Chimpanzee and the gentle giants of Bwindi – Mountain Gorillas.

Different Bird specicies in Bwindi impenetrable national park

Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is home to about 350 species of birds. Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is the best place for a birding safari tour in Uganda owing to its unique species of birds that can be spoted while on a Uganda birding safari tour. The Bwindi impenetrable forest national park  is home to 23 Albertine Rift endemics species and 14 of which are recorded nowhere else in Uganda and can be spoted while on the Uganda safari tour. The globally threatened species include, Grauer’s broadbill, Chapin’s Flycatcher, Shelley’s Crimson-wing. More species include; Handsome Francolin, Mountain-masked and Collared Apalis, White-bellied Robin Chat, Black billed Turaco, Fraser’s Eagle, Western Bronze-naped Pigeon, Purple-breasted, Blue-headed and Regal Sunbirds etc.

Birding safari tours in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park happens mainly in the Mubwindi Swamp in Ruhija sector of the park, ‘The Neck’ a stretch of the forest joining Ruhija to the Buhoma sector and the Buhoma area especially on the waterfall trail.

Butterflies and Amphibians in Bwindi forest national park

Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is  home to over 200 butterfly species including eight Albertine rift endemic specicies that can only be seen when you book our 12 days uganda wildlife safari tour  &  gorilla tracking safari tour. They include the African giant swallowtail and Cream-banded swallowtail. The amphibian species identified in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park  are 27 with 11 endemic to the Albertine rift. Fourteen snake species, 14 lizard species.


When most people think of Bwindi Impenetrable national park, they think of mountain gorilla trekking safari tours, which is right because gorillas are  the main attraction in the Bwindi impenetrable forest national park. However, Bwindi impenetrable forest national park being heavly dense rainforest, it is home to many birds and animals and several other activities like bird watching,  nature walks, and community walks.

Gorilla Trekking safari  tour in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park

Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is home to half of the world’s remaining mountain gorillas. Gorilla tracking / trekking safari  is done daily after purchasing a gorilla-tracking permit from the Uganda Wildlife Authority. You are advised to book your permit at least 3 months before secure your day especially if you prefer a certain location and Nungi safaris Uganda can help you organize and book these permits on your behalf. Only 8 individuals from 15 years of age are permitted to visit a gorilla family per day. You need to be in good health condition otherwise you will not track because humans and Gorillas can easily pass diseases to each other. You will be briefed by your guide way before tracking/trekking and advicd to stay at least 8m from the gorillas, do not use flash photography and do not look directly in the eyes of the gorilla for an extended period. You need to wear long-sleeved pants and shirts to avoid scratches as you trek through the forest, carry a rain poncho, seasoned boots, lots of water, lunch (sometimes it takes an entire day to locate them) and finally consider hiring a potter because the terrain can be difficult.

Bird watching in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park

Bwindi impenetrable  forest national park  is a prime Uganda bird watching safari tour spot and was named as Africa’s number one birding spot by Africa Bird Club. If you have limited time in your Uganda safaris tour, you must choose only one park for bird watching, Bwindi impenetrable forest national park should be your number one choice for a Uganda birding safari tour. Bwindi impenetrable forest national park  is easily accessible for Uganda birding safari photo tour with birding trails in the forest leading to a different areas including the waterfall trail. It is home to about 350 species of birds which include 23 Albertine Rift endemics and 14 of which are recorded nowhere else in Uganda. There are excellent site guides in the communities who are very knowledgeable about the birds in the area especially the endemics. These join you as you take your Uganda birding safari tour into the forest re-enforcing the team you will have started with on your trip.

Nature and waterfalls walk in the Bwindi impenetrable forest national park

There are various trails into the Bwindi impenetrable forest national park  for your different interests while on the Uganda gorilla trekking safari tour. You have trails leading to beautiful waterfalls where you can dive in the water. You walk along with an armed Uganda wildlife ranger guide for your protection in case you meet a wild animal but also as a guide. The available trails; Buhoma – Nkuringo trail which takes 4 – 5 hours crossing through the national park. Rushura Hill walk – a trail through forest shared between Congo and Uganda. Muyanga waterfall walk, Ivi River Walk – 14 kms and takes about 7 hours. Muzubijiro Loop – 6km walk around the hill where you have chances of interacting with primates and birds.

Mountain Hiking and biking in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park

Kigezi region where Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is located is a mountainous area with beautiful scenery. Most lodges have bikes you can rent per day to take on the special trails created in the community otherwise ask them for a project you can rent from.Ivi river trail from Buhoma park headquarters to Ivi river organized by ‘ride for a woman’ while on our 12 days uganda wildlife safari tour  &  gorilla tracking safari tour

Community walks and Cultural experiences in Bwindi impenetrable forest national park

The community surrounding Bwindi impenetrable forest national park is full of activities and cultural experiences for you. You can choose to take on the Batwa experience while on a Uganda safaris– a people that lived in the forest for many years. Here you will be to re-visit the Bwindi impenetrable forest national park with them and experience how they lived in the forest, how they co-existed with the gorillas and the other animals for years. The different walks include Buniga Forest nature walk in Nkuringo – a forest reserve adjacent to Bwindi impenetrable national park. Nyundo Community Eco trails and King Bakyara’s waterfall trail. Tour the village Aquaponics project with Conservation through Public Health (CTPH). Buhoma community tours – areas of interest, handcraft shops, Batwa community, traditional healer, primary school and finally learn how bananas are used to make juice, beer and gin and taste.


There are scheduled/ charter flights from Entebbe International Airport to Kihihi town connecting to Buhoma area or to Kisoro Airstrip, which connects to Ruhija, Nkuringo and Rushaga. There are also flights from Kajjansi Airfield, which lies between Kampala and Entebbe.

Driving: From Kampala, the route depends on the trailhead you are visiting i.e. Kampala – Kabale – Ruhija OR Kampala – Ntungamo – Rukungiri – Kihihi – Buhoma/Nyondo OR  Kampala – Kabale – Kisoro – Rushaga/Nkuringo.




Ruhija sector

Bakiga Lodge

Broadbill Forest Camp

Agandi Lodge

Rushaga Sector

Chameleon Hill

Bwindi Jungle Lodge

Ichumbi Gorilla  Lodge

Rushaga Gorilla Camp

Gorilla Valley Lodge

Nkuringo Sector

Clouds Mountain Gorilla Lodge

Nkuringo Safari Lodge

Buhoma Sector

Buhoma Lodge

Bwindi Lodge

Sanctuary Gorilla Forest Lodge

Mahogany Springs

Buhoma Haven Lodge

Silverback Lodge

Buhoma Community Rest Camp